![1A74 14:25 Swansea Paddington Van train [BP] 1A74 14:25 Swansea Paddington Van train [BP]](https://alanthomsonsim.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2021/05/jpg/bazfm100/Screenshot_Western-Mainlines_51.45038-2.58225_17-02-34-1140x641.jpg)
1A74 14:25 Swansea Paddington Van train [BP]
23rd May 2021Route- Western Mainlines
Track coverd- Bristol Barton Hill Depot – London Paddington.
Traction-Class 47
Duration- Around 140 Mins
Difficulty Easy
Weather Sunny
Operated by Rail Express Systems
Year 1996
Upadted 23 May 2021
Today you Booked on at Barton hill depot you join your loco and head light over to Temple Meads to join your train 1A74 14:25 Swansea Paddington Van train. I just hope you like and I hope you enjoy.
Route. https://www.justtrains.net/product/western-mainlines
Class 150/2 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack
Class 158 (Perkins) Enhancement Pack
Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
Mk1 Coach Pack Vol. 1
Wagon (4 Wheel) Sound Pack
Wagon (Modern) Sound Pack
Class 43 (Valenta)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack
Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol. 1
TDA-D Wagon Pack
JXA/POA Wagon Pack + Realistic branding
MGR Wagon Pack
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack
Class 159 Pack01
Virgin Trains First Generation No longer sold on steam
Class 143 Pack2 + MJW Class 143 Revamp
Medway Valley Class 59 Yeoman Reskin from ukts File ID :37842
European Loco & Asset Pack
Liverpool Manchester Route Class 47 Railfreight Grey
BR Class 423 ‘4VEP’
Just Trains
Class 60
BR Parcels Class 47/4 Pack https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/locomotives.html
RScott London Transport LT1973 LT78D https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/virtual-district-line.html
BR Class 58 Loco Add-On https://store.steampowered.com/app/325961/Train_Simulator_BR_Class_58_Loco_AddOn/ Reskin UKTS File ID :26630
KFA Binliner Pack https://www.ontracksimulation.com/rollingstock.html
CHRIS HORSFIELD Class 150/2 West-South West Regional Destinations https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/class-150-2-west-south-west-regional-destinations/
Scenery Things for this!!
Keithmross WCML2
Although my content is freeware, thousands of hours have gone into the content that I produce, to provide consistent accuracy and realism, and your kind donations really give me that extra push to continue to produce even more content. It is entirely up to yourself if you wish to do so, but it will be much appreciated should you decide you would like to! – Or you could just buy me a beer!
As always i hope you enjoy and please leave any feedback good or bad have fun take care for now And thanks for downloading And if i have missed anything i’m sorry lol.
This Scenario looks beast however I have floating couplings in Sidings 6,9 and 10 at Barton Hill any ideas what these are? Also saying missing AP POA Foster Yeoman W2 Loaded even though I have this pack installed? Any help would be appreciated thanks.
you need the Optional Free Patch which can be found at, https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/rolling_stock/wagon/jxa-poa_wagon_pack Hope this helps bud, It applies the realistic branding to these wagons.
Cheers robin dont suppose you know about the floating couplings?
Hello Steve No its me when i updated this Morning for sum reason i change the 47 not sure why lol but you are right Rail Express Systems Class 47/4 Pack https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/locomotives.html and the rest should be just default on the depot
Hi Barry, thanks for this scenario creation, The nominated 47’s did not appear in the scenario so I tried with the RES pack from backdated TS – that got them to show ( your screen shot shows a RES 47 by the way)
On Barton Hill the nominated 47 has the correct number and the rest show 43210 not sure if that’s me though.