(12 Days of Scenarios) 1Z48 05:45 Poole-Blackpool North
15th December 20201Z48 05:45 Poole-Blackpool North
Welcome to day 4 of ‘The 12 days of Scenarios’. Ths scenario takes you back to 2008 onboard ‘The Christmas Cracker’ railtour on its final leg to Blackpool North.
How to install
1. Extract using 7zip
2. Copy contents into railworks
3. Done!
Afternoon driver, you are just outside Preston onboard ‘The Christmas Cracker’ railtour from Poole to Blackpool North. You will be taking the final leg of the outward journey to Blackpool.
Route used: Northern Lines
Armstrong Powerhouse
BR MK1 Pack
BR MK2 Pack (both MK2 packs)
Class 31 EP
Class 37 Vol.1 & 2
Class 142
Class 150/1
Class 150/2
Class 156
Class 158C EP
Weather EP
Fuller Sim Class 185
Backdated Trainsim
Statesman Rail Mk2 pack
Class 31 Pack 02
Class 150/1
Class 159
Class 390 (DTG Version)
Just Trains
Class 153
Vulcan Productions
Virgin Class 57 pack
Enjoy day 4 of ‘The 12 days of scenarios’. Any issues please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue.