(12 Days of Scenarios) 1Z17 05:42 Swindon-Scarborough
20th December 20201Z17 05:42 Swindon-Scarborough
Welcome to day 9 of ‘the 12 days of scenarios’. This scenario takes you back to 2016 and in charge of D1015 Western Champion on ‘The Yuletide East Yorkshireman.’
How to Install
1. Extract using 7zip
2. Copy contents into Railworks
3. Done!
Morning driver, today you are in charge of 1Z17 05:42 Swindon-Scarborough/’The Yuletide East Yorkshireman’. We are currently 35 minutes down due to a points failure at Kidderminster which meant D1015 was unable to leave the S.V.R. Some quick thinking meant that D1015 was able to get out and was only 35minutes behind schedule. You will be taking the train as far as Sheffield where there will be a crew change.
D1015 ran with the full yellow front on this tour, however this is not avaliable in T.S. therfore the half yellow front has been used.
Armstrong Powerhouse
BR MK1 pack
Class 37 vol.1 & 2.
Class 43 MTU EP
Class 43 VP185 EP
Class 52 SP
Class 66 EP
Class 142
Class 150/1 EP
Class 156 EP
Class 158C EP
FSA wagons
Weather EP
Fuller sim class 185
Class 52
Class 66 pack 03
Class 150/1
Class 159
Riviera Line
Just Trains
Class 153
Class 142 Revamp pack
Class 142 ex-northern rail reskin
Class 153 Revamp pack
Class 155 Northern reskin
Class 144 reskin
Enjoy day 9 of ‘the 12 days of scenarios’. Any issues please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue.
1Z17 05:42 Swindon-Scarborough
Welcome to day 9 of ‘the 12 days of scenarios’. This scenario takes you back to 2016 and in charge of D1015 Western Champion on ‘The Yuletide East Yorkshireman.’
How to Install
1. Extract using 7zip
2. Copy contents into Railworks
3. Done!
Morning driver, today you are in charge of 1Z17 05:42 Swindon-Scarborough/’The Yuletide East Yorkshireman’. We are currently 35 minutes down due to a points failure at Kidderminster which meant D1015 was unable to leave the S.V.R. Some quick thinking meant that D1015 was able to get out and was only 35minutes behind schedule. You will be taking the train as far as Sheffield where there will be a crew change.
D1015 ran with the full yellow front on this tour, however this is not avaliable in T.S. therfore the half yellow front has been used.
Armstrong Powerhouse
BR MK1 pack
Class 37 vol.1 & 2.
Class 43 MTU EP
Class 43 VP185 EP
Class 52 SP
Class 66 EP
Class 142
Class 150/1 EP
Class 156 EP
Class 158C EP
FSA wagons
Weather EP
Fuller sim class 185
Class 52
Class 66 pack 03
Class 150/1
Class 159
Riviera Line
Just Trains
Class 153
Class 142 Revamp pack
Class 142 ex-northern rail reskin
Class 153 Revamp pack
Class 155 Northern reskin
Class 144 reskin
Enjoy day 9 of ‘the 12 days of scenarios’. Any issues please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue.
Great to drive the Western on the MML, Very nice and Thank you.
Thanks BENELENA, I’m glad you enjoyed the scenario.
full yellow front is possible btw, its here https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/miscreskins.html part of a mega reskin pack
Yes I noticed on Tom’s stream last night there is a class 52 pack on VP which includes the full yellow front.
Scenario will be updated to use the full yellow front when I get chance.