0903 Bristol Trml to Felixstowe North
12th May 2019Today you are tasked with taking the 0903 Intermodal Freight service from here to Bristol Trml to Felixstowe North, as far as Acton Main line. Unfortunately 66416, which was meant to be taking this service, has being declared a failure earlier this morning, so Colas Raill 66846 has been brought in to power this service, dragging 66416 too.
Duration: 180 Minutes
Just Trains: Western Mainlines
AP Class 158C
AP Class 66
AP Class 43MTU
AP Class 150/2
AP Class 444/450
AP HHA Wagons
AP Mk2 D-F Coaches
DTG Bristol to Cardiff
DTG Class 180
DTG Class 220
DTG Medway Valley Lines
DTG PDL London Waterloo to Portsmouth
DTG Class 159
DTG EWS / Freightliner Class 66
DTG Class 70
DTG South London Lines
DTG Great Eastern Mainline
DTG Class 92 *
Superalbs: https://superalbs.weebly.com/
GWR Class 387
GWR Class 165
Heathrow Connect Class 360
BH Reskins: https://www.facebook.com/BHReskins/
43027 90 Glorious Years
43172 Harry Patch
FGW SEA HST (Building Greater West)
DP Simulations: https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72locomotives.html
43163 Plymouth – Britain’s Ocean City
GWR Welshman HST
Bristol 2015 HST
Class 180 Patch
AP Sky and Weather Pack
AP Wagons (flat) South Pack
Major Wales FGW HST Nameplates https://www.facebook.com/MajorWalesDesign/
This Download contains 2 different downloads, the download labelled (normal wagons) only utilises wagons from Bristol to Cardiff for the player train.
The other download uses a mix of wagons from different DLC as I found during research most intermodal freight trains are not made up of the same wagons, this download uses wagons from Bristol to Cardiff, Class 92 and Class 66 Freightliner pack.
Please feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism on my scenarios
Head on over to my facebook page via link to keep up to date with all my scenarios and get sneak peaks into whats coming up. https://www.facebook.com/AB-Scenarios-2304142866520483/
Hi AB im hoping you can help I cant seem to find the Bristol HST is it still on this site